貴志俊彦教授 京都大学退職記念講演
Special Lecture by Sudirman Said (Minister of Energy and Natural Resources in Indonesia, 2014-2016)
CSEAS Colloquium by Wahyu Prasetyawan: “Networks of Power and Business: Indonesia’s Political Economy”
CSEAS Gender Seminars 2024: Special Seminar: Frontiers of Gender Studies in Asia
CSEAS Gender Seminars 2024: Seminar on Gender Issues in Academia
Seminar by Pascal Bourdeaux: “States, Religions and Modernities for One Nation: Historicizing a Converging Secularization in 20th Century Vietnam”
GCR 令和6年度(FY2024)年次研究成果報告会
Seminar on “Surviving the State: Land and Democracy in Myanmar”
CSEAS Colloquium by Philip Fountain: “Humanitarian Confessions”
CAACCS×VDP企画:映像でみるアフリカ・アジア社会とその課題 第4回「垣間見る日常〜マレーシアとミャンマーの映像作品から〜」