第128回 京都大学丸の内セミナー
Special Seminar: Frontiers of Gender Studies in Asia
Seminar on Gender Issues in Academia
Special Seminar by Prof. Jeffrey Wasserstrom on Jan. 10th
ダイキンセミナー 「東南アジアのエネルギーと環境」第2回定例研究会
CSEAS Colloquium: Commemorating, Conserving, and Forgetting Wartime Past: Public Memory (Re)construction through the Japanese-postwar Film, The Burmese Harp and Indonesian Nationalism-themed Film, Merdeka Narratives
DAIKIN Seminar Series: 1st Seminar on ‘Energy and Environment in Southeast Asia’
CSEAS ユーラシア・セミナー 「激動する国際情勢とカザフスタン―ユーラシアにおける立ち位置の模索―」
Special seminar on Environmental Awareness in Myanmar on 10th December
持続可能社会創造ユニット 令和4年度第3回ミーティング「東南アジアにおける持続可能社会構築に向けた防災研究と地域研究の融合を目指して」
The Seminar on the Religious Leaders’ Forum, R20 (Religion of Twenty) in Bali
The 2nd Indonesia-Japan Forest Talk (IJFT-2) x CSEAS Kyoto University “The Contribution of Social Forestry towards the Carbon Neutrality in Indonesia: Building Strategic International Partnership in the Implementation of FOLU Net Sink 2030”
Book Discussion Event “Keeping Indonesia Safe from The Covid-19 Pandemic: Lessons Learnt from The National Economic Recovery Program”
CANCELED: Special Seminar by Dr Paul Nadal on Filipino labor diaspora and literature on November 29, 3-5 pm Tonantei
CSEAS Colloquium:Incunabula Investigation: Studying the Survival of Early Philippine Imprints