Date: January 22nd, 2019, Tuesday, from 10:00 – 17:30.
Venue: Small-size Meeting Room II (331) on 3rd floor of Inamori Foundation Memorial Building, CSEAS, Kyoto University
Title: Myanmar Military in a Time of Transition
Yoshihiro Nakanishi (Kyoto University) & Chaw Chaw Sein (University of Yangon)
“Corporate Interests of Myanmar Military”
Maung Aung Myoe (International University of Japan)
“Command and Civil-Military Relations in Myanmar”
Ye Phone Kyaw (International University of Japan)
“The Legacy and The Current: The Tatmadaw and National Ideology Development in Myanmar”
Myo Min Hlaing (International University of Japan)
“Engaging Myanmar Armed Forces: Could Defence Diplomacy still be a Tool?”
Myint Zu Win (University of Yangon)
“The Role of Military in Myanmar’s Peace Process since 2011”
Tin Tin Mar (University of Yangon)
“The Role of Myanmar Military in Rakhine State”
Aung Myo Maung (International University of Japan)
“Military Values in the Police Administration”
Nu Nu Shwe (University of Yangon)
“Military’s Involvement in Myanmar Economy since 2011”
*This seminar is sponsored by JSPS Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research – Fund for the Promotion of Joint International Research (Fostering Joint International Research) “Study on Corporate Interests of the Military in Transitional Myanmar.