Call for Papers: The 4th Philippine Studies Conference in Japan


Call for Papers

The 4th Philippine Studies Conference in Japan
(PSCJ 2018 in Hiroshima, November 17 – 18, 2018)

Conference Theme:

Three Decades of the Post EDSA Philippines: Continuity, Discontinuity, and Emergence

In the three decades of the Post-EDSA Philippines, we have witnessed practices and dynamics that are often captured and explained using a wide range of keywords such as democratization, decentralization, economic liberalization, globalization, neoliberalization, transnationalism, growth of the middle class and civil society, sustainability and so on. One could argue that the practices and dynamics that have taken place over the last thirty years have transformed, reconfigured and had huge and various impacts on Philippine society. How can an analysis of such practices and dynamics prompt us to rethink and revisit the long-standing underlying concepts and perspectives that help explain history, society, cultures, economy, politics, institutions and environments of the Philippines? Can a critical understanding of such dynamics provide novel perspectives for capturing experiences of the Global South as well as point to new directions for practices?

By convening emerging and established scholars and practitioners, this conference will provide a vibrant forum to explore the continuity and discontinuity of the post-EDSA Philippines as well as current challenges and possibilities of Philippines studies. We welcome proposals for panels and individual papers which stimulate an interdisciplinary discussion on a broad range of topics.

Topics of interest include but are not limited to:

Submission guidelines:

Please send your proposals for papers and panels by July 13 to:


Notification of abstract acceptance will be sent in early August.

The Organizing Committee accepts two types of proposals: a panel proposal and individual paper proposal. Each panel is 120 minutes long. When submitting proposals, please observe the following format:

  1. Title of Panel or Individual Paper
  2. Panel/Paper Abstract (not more than 250 words)
  3. List of panel members (including organizers) / Individual presenter: Please include name, affiliation, e-mail address of each presenter
  4. Abstracts of the individual papers (not more than 250 words) included in the panel

To allow as many presenters as possible, each presenter (except the invited speakers) may submit only one proposal for a panel and an individual paper.