[Visitor’s Voice] Mirlan Bektursunovさんのインタビューを公開しました | 京都大学 東南アジア地域研究研究所


[Visitor’s Voice] Mirlan Bektursunovさんのインタビューを公開しました


外国人共同研究者(学振外国人特別研究員)のMirlan Bektursunovさんのインタビューを公開しました。

Interview with Mirlan Bektursunov: Building of “Nomadic Socialism”: State and Society in the Making of Soviet Kyrgyzstan

“In my home country, Kyrgyzstan, we often joke that “every taxi driver in Bishkek is potentially a professor of political science,” because whenever you get in a taxi, the driver ends up talking to you about local politics (or maybe you’re the one talking to the driver). Growing up in a politically contentious society, I naturally became interested in…”

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