Kyoto Review of Southeast Asia第39号(2024年9月)を公開しました


Kyoto Review of Southeast Asia Issue 39

今号の特集 “Vietnam and Foreigners: Aspects and Experiences” ではDavid Koh氏(ヴィン大学教養学部上級講師)がゲストエディターを務め、5本の論文を掲載しています。特集掲載論文は本誌ウェブサイトにて、英語、タイ語、インドネシア語、フィリピン語、ベトナム語、ミャンマー語、日本語で全文をお読みいただけます。また、英文による5本の書評を掲載しています。


特集 “Vietnam and Foreigners: Aspects and Experiences”

Foreigners’ Lives in Vietnam: A partial ethnographic exploration
David Koh

Phu My Hung and Thao Dien: Built for foreigners in Ho Chi Minh City
Thanh Bao Nguyen and Hung Minh Ngo

Vietnamese-Taiwanese Multicultural Families: The Taiwan Context
Phan Thi Hong Xuan, Ho-Hsien Chen, Vo Phan My Tra

Settling down in HCMC: Experiences of Vietnamese-Taiwanese Multicultural Families
Phan Thi Hong Xuan, Ho-Hsien Chen, Vo Phan My Tra

Current Cultural Aspects of Life in the Phu My Hung New Township
Nguyễn Minh Nhựt


John Goodman, The Minority Muslim Experience in Mainland Southeast Asia: A Different Path, Routledge Contemporary Southeast Asia Series 1st Edition, Routledge, 2021.
Hara Shintaro

Peter A. Jackson, Capitalism, Magic, Thailand: Modernity with Enchantment, ISEAS Publishing, 2022.
Giuseppe Bolotta

Shawna Herzog, Negotiating Abolition: The Antislavery Project in the British Straits Settlements, 1786–1843, Bloomsbury Academic, 2021.
Scott Abel

Bénédicte Brac de la Perrière and Peter A. Jackson, eds., Spirit Possession in Buddhist Southeast Asia: Worlds Ever More Enchanted, Nias-nordic Institute of Asian Studies 74, NIAS Press, 2022.
Claire Elliot and Justin Thomas McDaniel

Kai Ostwald and Kyaw Ying Hlaing, eds., Myanmar’s Transition Stalled: From Opening to Coup, Issue 31 of Kyoto Review of Southeast Asia, 2021 & print PDF, Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University.
Robert Bociaga