Kyoto Review of Southeast Asia Issue 40
今号の特集 “Eroding Electoral Integrity: Reasons for Democratic Backsliding in Southeast Asia” ではAsian Centreがゲストエディターを務め、5本の論文を掲載しています。特集掲載論文は本誌ウェブサイトにて、英語、タイ語、インドネシア語、フィリピン語、ベトナム語、ミャンマー語、日本語で全文をお読みいただけます。また、英文による5本の書評、月刊コラム「Trendsetters」を掲載しています。
特集 “Eroding Electoral Integrity: Reasons for Democratic Backsliding in Southeast Asia”
Dismantling Myanmar’s Election Integrity: A Post-Coup Review
Sanjay Gathia
How the Constitutional Court Erodes Electoral Integrity in Thailand
Ekmongkhin Puridej
Changing Governments without Elections: Subverting Voter Choice in Malaysia
Lina Sakina Saliman
Undermining the Integrity of Elections in Cambodia
Marc Piñol Rovira
Party Cartels in Indonesia: Towards an Opposition-less Democracy
Kartini Sunityo
Luka Lei Zhang (ed.), Asian Workers Stories, Brooklyn, NY: Hard Ball Press, 2024.
Jafar Suryomenggolo
Elliott Prasse-Freeman, Rights Refused: Grassroots Activism and State Violence in Myanmar, Stanford University Press, 2023.
Melissa Crouch
Shawna Herzog, Negotiating Abolition: The Anti-slavery Project in British Straits Settlements 1986-1843, Bloomsbury Academic, 2021.
Paul Chambers
Terence Harkin, In the Year of the Rabbit: A Novel, Silkworm Books, 2021.
Hai Hong Nyugeniel
David Harnish, Culture and Identity in the Music Cultures of Lombok Indonesia, Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University; Brill, 2021.
Leilani Hermiasih
Navigating the Complexities: Challenges and Prospects of Collaborative Governance in Thai Local Administration
Grichawat Lowatcharin