Round-table Seminar on Malaysian Politics after the 2018 General Election on July 25
CSEAS Colloquium: Promoting private sector investment in forest restoration in South East Asia
4th RsDA International Workshop
International Workshop on “Fake News and State Control in the Post-Truth Era in Southeast Asia” on July 22
International Seminar on “Cyber Troops and Computational Propaganda in the Indonesian Presidential Election 2019” on July 20
A Brown Bag Talk on Gender and Aid Chains in Cambodia
Swift Current Brown Bag (7月18日)
Seminar, Economic History on Southeast Asia
Special Seminar on Khmer Dance and Sexuality by Prumsodun Ok on July 1 (Monday)
Colloquium: A Quiet Revolution: Cultivating Mindset Change in Urban Malaysia
Special Seminar by Prof. Jun HE on June 26
A seminar on the Philippines Politics on June 25
Special Seminar by TRAN Thi Liên Claire
Swift Current Brown Bag (6月20日)