Indonesia Mini-Update 2018: Recent Political and Economic Developments in Indonesia

Indonesia Mini-Update 2018: Recent Political and Economic Developments
in Indonesia

On 14 and 15 September of this year, the Australian National
University’s Indonesia Project held its annual Indonesia Update
conference in Canberra. Bringing together prominent Indonesia scholars
every year since 1983 to discuss recent political, economic and social
developments in Indonesia, the event is usually attended by around 400
people. Following the main event in Canberra, a smaller version of the
conference, or “Mini-Update”, is subsequently held in other cities.
Against this background, the Indonesia Project at the Australian
National University and the Center for Southeast Asian Studies at
Kyoto University are pleased to organise the first Mini-Update to be
held in Kyoto, at which two of the Update conference papers will be
presented, with discussants from Kyoto University. The program will be
as follows:

Date: 15 October 2018
Time: 15.00-18.15
Venue: the Middle-Room, Inamori Memorial Foundation Building, CSEAS

Detailed Program:

15.00 – 15.05: Short introductions by representatives from the ANU’s
Indonesia Project and Kyoto University’s CSEAS.

15.05 – 16.35 Political Update: The Mobilization of Intolerance and
its Trajectories: Indonesian Muslims’ Views of Religious Minorities
and Ethnic Chinese

Presenter: Marcus Mietzner (and Burhanuddin Muhtadi).
Discussant: Okamoto Masaaki

16.35-16.45 Short Break

16.45-18.15 Economic Update: A Stocktake of some Recent Economic Policies

Presenter: Ross McLeod (and Sitta Rosdaniah)
Discussant: Mizuno Kosuke

Moderator: Mieno Fumiharu
