CSEAS Online Seminar on Indonesia | 京都大学 東南アジア地域研究研究所


CSEAS Online Seminar on Indonesia

You are cordially invited to our online seminar on Indonesia. The topic is Indonesian Islam. It is going to be held in the Indonesian language (Bahasa Indonesia).

Michael Feener

Time and Date: 16:30 to 18:30 (Japan Time) or 14:30 to 16:30 (Indonesia Time) on January 26, 2022
Access to the Seminar: Register through the URL

1st Presentation: Kawin Anak: Problem Dualisme Hukum Agama dan Hukum Negara di Indonesia?
Speaker: Lies Marcoes (Rumah KitaB, Indonesia)
Commentator: Nonaka Yo (Keio University)
Moderator: Kurniawati H. Dewi (BRIN, Indonesia)

2nd Presentation:  Islam Indonesia dalam 20 Tahun Terakhir: Sebuah Interpretasi
Speaker: Ulil Abshar Abadalla (UNUSIA, Indonesia)
Commentator: Michael Feener (CSEAS, Kyoto University)
Moderator:  (UNUSIA, Indonesia)

The presentations’ abstracts and the presenters’ bio are as follows:

Abstract of 1st Presentation:
Efforts to prevent child marriage in Indonesia by regulating the age limit for marriage have been going on since the colonial period. However, Indonesia needs a hundred years to change the rule on increasing the minimum age limit for women’s marriage in order to make it in accordance with the concept of social maturity (when women are able to carry out their reproductive health in a safe, healthy and dignified manner). This presentation explores the research and advocacy experience of the Rumah Kita Bersama Foundation (Rumah KitaB) to increase knowledge and awareness about the importance of increasing the marriage age limit by reinterpreting the concept of baligh (maturity) in Islam.

Abstract of 2nd Presentation:

Bio of the 1st Presenters:
Lies Marcoes is the Director of Rumah Kita Bersama (Rumah KitaB), as well as an independent consultant, senior gender expert, researcher, gender trainer and consultant in the areas of women’s rights, child marriage prevention, reproductive health rights, and gender and fundamentalism. She holds a master’s degree in Medical Anthropology from the University of Amsterdam. She has ever worked in Aceh for five years on the issues of peacebuilding through economic empowerment of women (PPSW), anti-trafficking (media and dayah /traditional boarding school network), and capacity building for women’s organizations working to assist victims following the conflict. She also worked with the Religious Courts (Mahkamah Syariyah) in Aceh on capacity building for all Islamic Judges in Aceh on Gender, Islam, and the Family Law in Indonesia, as well as working with a peacebuilding organization in Aceh funded by the World Bank through The Asia Foundation – CPCRS (Center for Peace and Conflict Resolution Studies) at Syiah Kuala University, Banda Aceh. She has written many books and op-eds on gender-related issues: a semi photo-essay book on gender, poverty, and justice taken from her study in eight regions in Indonesia with support from AIPJ-DFAT (Menolak Tumbang: Gender Kemiskinan dan Keadilan, A Journey against Defeat, 2015, republished 2018). And also her article about women’s perspective on peace building was published in RIMA – World Bank Singapore, Where Were the Women? Women in Inter-Faith Dialog in Indonesia. Her book Training on BOS and the School System in Indonesia: Images of Hope was published by AUSAID and the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture in 2014.

Bio of the 2nd Presenter:
Ulil Abshar Abdalla is a lecturer on Islamic legal thought at the Nahdlatul Ulama University in Indonesia and also the head of the Indonesian Conference on Religion and Peace (ICRP). He used to be the head of Lakpesdam (Institute for the Human Resource Studies and Development) of Nahdlatul Ulama, the coordinator of Liberal Islam Network (Jaringan Islam Liberal), and others. He is actively promoting religious tolerance through interfaith dialogue and advocacy through the radio-talk show and other media. He is going to publish a book “Menjadi Manusia Rohani” (Being Spiritual Human Being). He wrote several books on Islamic thought such as Metode Studi Qur’an (co-author) (Jakarta; Gramedia, 2011), Pembaharuan Pemikiran Islam Indonesia (Jakarta: KEMI and Hivos, 2011), Menyegarkan Kembali Pemikiran Islam (Jakarta: Nalar, 2005). And he recently contributes articles and essays in the website, islamlib.com: “Apa Yang Hendak Dicapai ISIS?” (15/1/2016), ‘Setelah Teror Thamrin: What Is Next?” (14/1/2016), “Tentang Ortodoksi dan Paradoks Sejarah Agama” (13/1/2016), and “Otoritas Ulama di Era Digital” (12/1/2016).

Contact: Okamoto Masaaki (okamoto[at]cseas.kyoto-u.ac.jp)(CSEAS, Kyoto Univeristy, Japan) 

Online Seminar on Indonesia