AEDS seminar (October 18, Tue, 16:45-, Inamori Bldg) by David N. Weil (Brown University) “Land Quality” | 京都大学 東南アジア地域研究研究所


AEDS seminar (October 18, Tue, 16:45-, Inamori Bldg) by David N. Weil (Brown University) “Land Quality”

今月10月18日(火)の夕方に上記の要領で2022年度アジア経済発展論研究会を開催いたします。ブラウン大学の経済成長論の専門家、David N. Weil氏による土地の質と経済成長の関係についての報告で、土地の質がどのような経路で人口の高密度化をもたらし、近代経済成長をもたらすのかについての新しい研究です。場所は稲盛財団記念館の3階の中会議室です。みなさんのご参加をお待ちしています。

日時: 2022年10月18日(火)16:45-18:15(日本時間)
場所:京都大学東南アジア地域研究研究所 稲盛財団記念会館 3階中会議室(

報告者: David N. Weil(James and Merryl Tisch Professor of Economics Brown University,

報告題目:”Land Quality” 

要約: We develop a new measure of land quality by estimating weights in a Poisson regression of grid-cell population on geographic characteristics and country fixed effects. Aggregating to countries, we construct average land quality (ALQ) and quality-adjusted population density (QAP D). We show: First, current income per capita is positively correlated with ALQ. Second, while income today is unrelated to conventional population density, it is strongly negatively related to QAP D. Third, this negative relationship was not present in 1820 and emerged because today’s lower income countries have experienced faster subsequent population growth. Fourth, countries with higher average land quality began sustained modern economic growth earlier, and this earlier takeoff largely explains the modern income-ALQ relationship. We posit a framework in which land quality induced denser populations in Malthusian equilibrium and, via agglomeration, earlier takeoffs. Less dense countries experienced larger population multipliers during their later demographic transitions due to imported health technologies.

キーワード: Land, land quality, population density, physical geography, economic takeoff, economic growth, demographic transition. 

使用言語: 英語

コーディネーター: 三浦憲、高野久紀