CSEAS-KASEAS Joint Conference 2023: Engaging Southeast Asian Studies in an Age of Uncertainties

CSEAS-KASEAS Joint Conference 2023

Title: Engaging Southeast Asian Studies in an Age of Uncertainties

Date: May 26-27, 2023

Venue: Large-sized Meeting Room, 3rd Floor, Inamori Foundation Memorial Building, Kyoto University

Format: In-person only

Registration: Not required


< DAY 1: May 26 >

09:30-9:50 Registration

Fumiharu Mieno (Director, CSEAS, Kyoto University)



Keynote Speech
Je Seong Jeon  (Professor, Institute for Southeast Asian Studies, Jeonbuk National University)
The Asian Solidarity Movement of Korean Civil Society: Observations of 30 years of Development

Moderator: Yoko Hayami (Professor, CSEAS, Kyoto University)


10:40-11:50 Panel 1. Migration and Emerging Inter-relations in Southeast Asian Studies
Asuna Yoshizawa (Affiliated Researcher, CSEAS, Kyoto University)
Politics of Division and Unity in Lanao del Norte, Mindanao: Political Dynasty and Love Story of Muslim-Christian Intermarriage

Nurul Hud Mohd. Razif (JSPS Postdoctoral Fellow, CSEAS, Kyoto University)
Neighborly Bureaucracy: Malaysian-Thai Relations through the Lens of Cross-Border Marriages

Minji Yoo
(Visiting Fellow, Institute for Southeast Asian Studies, Jeonbuk National University) & Suhyun Youk (Associate Research Fellow, Korea Island Development Institute)
Discovering the Permissive Economy from the Electronic Manufacturing Cluster in Northern Vietnam

Discussant: Decha Tangseefa (Associate Professor, CSEAS, Kyoto University) 
Discussant and Moderator: Masayuki Yanagisawa (Associate Professor, CSEAS, Kyoto University)

 Abstract for Panel 1【≫PDF

11:50-13:30 Lunch and CSEAS Tour

Panel 2. Reconsidering Relations between Southeast and East Asia
Yong Kyun Kim
(Associate Professor, Department of Political Science and International Relations, Seoul National University)
Mutual Perceptions between South Korea and Southeast Asian Nations

Tomoko Takahashi
(Postdoctoral Researcher, CSEAS, Kyoto University)
Cooperating under Tension: The ASEAN-China Coalition in the UN General Assembly

Shir Shapira
(PhD Candidate, ASAFAS, Kyoto University)
Speeding Where? High-speed Railways in Southeast Asia and Sino-Japanese Competition

Discussant: Jung Hoon Park (Research Professor, Institute for East Asian Studies, Sogang University) 
Discussant and Moderator: Edo Andriesse (Professor, Department of Geography, Seoul National University)

 Abstract for Panel 2【≫PDF

14:40-15:00 Break

Panel 3. Connecting Asia through Inter-Asian Scholarship
Bo-kyeung Gu (Research Professor, Korea Institute for ASEAN Studies, Busan University of Foreign Studies)
A new context of Humanitarian assistance: selective acceptance and localization in Indonesia

Sinae Hyun
(Research Professor, Institute for East Asian Studies, Sogang Universtiy)
Raising “Home” Scholars of Southeast Asian Studies in South Korea

Kisho Tsuchiya
(Assistant Professor, CSEAS, Kyoto University)
Historicizing Southeast Asian Oral Literature: An Exploration of Inter-Disciplinary and Comparative Asian Approaches

Discussant: Caroline S. Hau  (Professor, CSEAS, Kyoto University)
Discussant and Moderator: Tatsuki Kataoka (Professor, ASAFAS, Kyoto University)

 Abstract for Panel 3【≫PDF


Panel 4. Religion, Democracy and State-Control
Jioon Kim
(PhD Candidate, ASAFAS, Kyoto University)
Unification and Split of Buddhist Associations in the Republic of Vietnam: Buddhist Movements under Diem’s Religious Persecution

Jung Hoon Park (Research Professor, Institute for East Asian Studies,  Sogang University)
Making Democracy Uncertain: Declining democratic commitment of Indonesian Political Elites

Discussant: Yong Kyun Kim (Associate Professor, Department of Political Science and International Relations, Seoul National University)
Discussant and Moderator: Masaaki Okamoto(Professor, CSEAS, Kyoto University)

 Abstract for Panel 4【≫PDF


< DAY 2: May 27 >



Panel 5. Impact of Global Economy in Rural and Urban Southeast Asia
Edo Andriesse
(Professor, Department of Geography, Seoul National University)
Immiserizing growth and the middle-income trap in rural Southeast Asia

Yunxi Wu
(Postdoctoral Researcher, CSEAS, Kyoto University)
Local resilience in agricultural globalization: a study of the Oolong Tea industry in Vietnam.

Ruriana Nafilah Anggraini
(PhD Candidate, ASAFAS, Kyoto University)
Political Contracts in Contemporary Jakarta: An Analysis of Kampung Akuarium Resettlement to Public Apartment

Discussant and Moderator: Tomohiro Machikita (Associate Professor, CSEAS, Kyoto University)

 Abstract for Panel 5【≫PDF


Panel 6. Current Issues surrounding Digital and Social Media in Southeast Asia
Jang Sik Park
(Professor of Southeast Asian Studies & Director, Institute of ASEAN Studies, Dong-A University)
Social Media and Area Studies: How to Cope with the Fake News of Myanmar

Putri Widya Utami
(PhD Candidate, ASAFAS, Kyoto University)
From a Contracted Market to an Expanding Horizon: An Assessment of the Changing Market Dynamics and Value Chain of Indonesia’s Film Industry

Discussant and Moderator: Mario Lopez (Associate Professor, CSEAS, Kyoto University)

 Abstract for Panel 6【≫PDF

  Closing Remarks
Je Seong Jeon, Fumiharu Mieno

Lunch and Excursion