Kyoto Review of Southeast Asia Issue 36
今号の特集 “Social Media and Youths in Japan & Southeast Asia: An Instrument for Political Change?”(東南アジアのソーシャルメディアと若者たち:政治変革のための手段?)では、第46回東南アジアセミナー(2023年2月16日、本研究所にて開催)の成果として6本の論文を掲載しています。各論文は本誌ウェブサイトにて、英語、タイ語、インドネシア語、フィリピン語、ベトナム語、日本語、ミャンマー語で全文をお読みいただけます。
Political Participation Through Social Media by Japanese Youth
Strength of Weak Ties: Youth & Digital Politics in Indonesia
Irendra Radjawali
Potentials and Challenges of Social Media as an Instrument for Political Change in Malaysia
(マレーシアにおける政治改革の手段 ソーシャルメディアの可能性と課題)
Haris Zuan
Mobilizing yet Polarizing: Social Media Youth Engagement in the 2022 Philippine Elections
Aries A. Arugay
Fear of Missing Out and Online Political Engagement: The Case of Singapore
Saifuddin Ahmed and Muhammad Masood
OppStruction: Opportunity Structure and its Implications on the Pro-Democracy Movement in Thailand
Surachanee “Hammerli” Sriyai
Lisa Brooten, Jane Madlyn McElhone, and Gayathry Venkiteswaran. Myanmar Media in Transition: Legacies, Challenges and Change. Singapore: ISEAS Yusof Ishak Institute, 2019.
Ashley South
Loh Kah Seng, Alex Tan Tiong Hee, Koh Keng We, Tan Teng Phee, and Juria Toramae. Theatres of Memory: Industrial Heritage of 20th Century Singapore. Singapore: Ethos books, 2021.
Hamzah Muzaini
Miguel Syjuco. I was the President’s Mistress!! New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2022. 384 pp
Joel Pablo Salud
Bann Seng Tan. International Aid and Democracy Promotion: Liberalization at the Margins. Routledge, 2021.
Patrick Strefford
Ye Htut. Myanmar’s Political Transition and Lost Opportunities (2010-2016). ISEAS Publishing, 2019.
Nicholas Farrelly