東南アジア映画上映会 京都シネアドボ2018 「喪失の痛みと祈り」
Special Seminar on the October 6 Massacre in Thailand (from 12.30 on July 25)
京都の森へ行ってみよう2018 地球たんけんたい7(2018.07.24)
July 24 TONAN TALK “Future of ASEAN-Japan-China Cooperation” by Prof Wilfrido Villacorta
Special Seminar: “The Sustainable Development Goals ,and the Future of Southeast Asia”
Tonan Talk on July 11th by Dr. Wolfram Schaffar
WRITING WORKSHOP ’Contemporary agrarian-environmental transformations across Southeast Asia’ (第7回日ASEANセミナー)
Tonan Talk by Prof. James Chin on July 3
INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP: “Japan and Southeast Asia – Current Foreign Policy Issues in the Era of Global Change and Challenges”
Special Seminar on Philippine migration
Roundtable discussion: Four Years after the Thai Coup: The Old is Dying and the New cannot be Born
Special Seminar by Dr. Saksith Chalermpong
Tonan Talk: Framing Asian Studies in a Global Context by Philippe Peycam (IIAS)
(Change of the Venue) Workshop on Changing Political Dynamics of Military, Police and Militia in Indonesia, Thailand and Myanmar(June 2nd)
Special Seminar by Prof. Patricio Abinales on June 1
Internationaler Workshop: 視聴覚メディアとナショナル・アイデンティティー ドイツと日本における「戦後の集合的記憶」
シンポジウム・上映会 「喪失の中の祈りと覚悟―映画が映す東南アジアの内戦・テロと津波・震災」
Special Seminar by Ms Elisa Sutanudjaja