International Workshop on “Action Research for Rural Development through Direct Participation of University”
Visual Documentary Project 2019: JUSTICE
VDP2019連携企画「Sound Installation – Datu Arellano, Dayang Yraola」
Seminar on post-conflict social and economic recovery in Timor-Leste
Special Seminar: Language and the History of Ethnicity in Burma
CIRASユーラシア・セミナー ウズベク映画上映会+ミニ・レクチャー
Special Seminar: Frontiers of Gender Studies in Asia
Tonan Talk on Dec 9 by Dr. Patrick Jory
Special Seminar on post-Soviet Koreans Migration to South Korea
映画上映と公開討論会: 2018年のマレーシア総選挙のドキュメンタリー映画 “M for MALAYSIA”
SEASIA Biennial Conference 2019
Workshop:Hanging out with Islamist, Gangsters and Revolutionaries: A Female perspective on The Art of (not) Being Prepared for Fieldwork
Tonan Talk on Dec 3rd: King Makers/King Breakers-Anthropological Perspectives on Sabah and Sarawak Politics
日本マレーシア学会 第28回 研究大会(2019年12月1日)
CSEAS Colloquium: Can area studies compare?
第13回日ASEANセミナー「Climate Change, Urbanization & Health」
Special seminar on Puer tea by Prof. Yu from Academia Sinica (Nov.15)
シンポジウム・上映会「格差を包む信仰 映画が描く東南アジアの赦しと救済」