Seminar on Thai Party Politics on June 11
アジア政経学会春季大会 樫山セミナー 「アジアの中の東南アジア研究:アジア域内の相互関係はいかに論じられてきたか?」
Special Seminar (Roundtable with UP Diliman Scholars) on June 6th
The 5th Seminar on Gender Issues in Academia
CSEAS Colloquium: Recasting the Christian Cosmopolis in Vietnam
Swift Current Brown Bag (5月16日)
An International workshop at Harvard-Yenching Library, “Frames and Platforms: Approaches to the Study of Manchukuo Postcards and Other Visual Sources”
A talk by Prof Charnvit Kasetsiri, CSEAS, Kyoto University
シンポジウム「地域研究とSDGs」Area Studies and SDGs
IPCC Workshop
Special Seminar: Frontiers of Gender Studies in Asia
CSEAS Colloquium with Dr. Philip Hirsch
24 April Event “Linkage and Disjuncture: Rural-urban connectivity and livelihood change in Viet Nam”
Special Seminar by Prof. Philip Hirsch on April 19th
Swift Current Brown Bag(2019年4月18日)
Special Seminar by Dr Patrick Jory on April 17th