データサイエンスで切り拓く総合地域研究ユニット(未踏科学研究ユニット)2023年度 年度末ワークショップ “Data-Oriented Approaches to the Social Sciences and Humanities”
CSEAS Colloquium by Mark R. Thompson: “Which Lineages? History and Interpretations of Philippine Politics”
ドキュメンタリー「Breaking the Chains」上映会
GCR 令和5年度(FY2023)年次研究成果報告会
CSEAS Colloquium by Lily Hanefarezan Binti Asbulah: The Influence of Islam and Arabic Language in Malay Civilization: How Qalam Magazine Shaped Malay Community Thought during the 1950-1960s
Special lecture by Erminia Colucci: Arts-based and visual methods in activist interdisciplinary research in the Global South and among people from migrant and refugee backgrounds
Political Economy of Structural Transformation: The Philippines in Comparative Perspective — Kyoto Writing Workshop
Special Seminar on Bhutan Society and Politics (Jan 19, 14:30~)